Friday, April 4, 2008

Joshua Corban

Joshua will be four on July 3. He is full of energy and has quite a sense of humor. He is your typical three year old boy...into everything. He has quite a busy schedule; going to school three days a week and speech four times a week. He loves all of his teachers and talks about them at home often. He loves to play outside and with his toys. Some of his favorites are building blocks, legos, trains, cars, etc. He also loves to play ball outside with Daddy and Pop. Bo is hoping he will be our left-handed pitcher. Joshua has had a love of music since he was just a baby. He is often found sitting on his bed looking at books and singing along to his "Praise Baby" CD. He enjoys watching The Wiggles and knows every song and dance by heart. We are blessed to have such a precious and loving, first born son. He is turning into quite the helpful, big brother. Here are just a few pictures that best represent our little "Joshie"

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